The University of Auckland is excited to announce the launch of our new website!

The About section contains information on what the Clever Dog Lab aims to achieve and describes research that has inspired us to learn more about how dogs think. You will also find details about how you and your pet dog can help us make breakthroughs in canine cognitive science.

Our News section will keep you updated on all our latest findings, projects, events and upcoming testing opportunities. Check back here regularly to find out what is new to the lab, and how you might get involved.

In our Contact and Register sections you will find further information about how to sign up and volunteer your dog to take part in our upcoming studies. Here you can also find instructions on how to find the Lab.

Finally in the Our Team section you can learn a little bit more about the backgrounds and research interests of the Clever Canine Lab team.

We hope you enjoy the site and share it with anyone you think might be interested in what we do or getting involved in our projects.